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Item Overview

EU Forum on the Protection of Public Spaces

On 4 June 2024, the European Commission DG HOME will convene another meeting of the EU Forum on the Protection of Public Spaces, as part of the implementation of the EU Action Plan for the Protection of Public Spaces, and of the 2020 Counter-Terrorism Agenda for the EU. The meeting brings together private operators, law enforcement, faith organizations and other relevant stakeholders to exchange information, best practices and lessons learned on the protection of public spaces from terrorist attacks within the EU.

The EU Forum on the Protection of Public Spaces

The EU Forum on the Protection of Public Spaces has been set up in 2017 under the Action Plan on the protection of public spaces. The Forum is meant to be one of the toolbox at disposal of Member states for the exchange of best practices, lesson learnt and networking among them and it consists of two sub-groups.

Security, Democracy and Cities Conference

International and interdisciplinary the Security, Democracy and Cities 2021 conference is organised by the European Forum for Urban Security in Nice. Unique in its field, this event is geared towards all those involved in urban security: elected officials, civil servants, national administration, magistrates, law enforcement agencies, social workers, researchers, and representatives of the private sector and civil society.

EIB Report on Cost of Security Measures

The European Investment Advisory Hub has published a report, which identifies and defines key financial metrics and default values for security-related investments. The report aims to serve as a tool for people dealing with security related project, presenting them with financial metrics to assess costs and benefits of projects and security solutions.

Interview with authorities from the city of Nice, France: implementation of technological solutions for the protection of public spaces

The city of Nice, France has become a European pioneer in the implementation of technological solutions for the protection of its public spaces. Urban authorities have successfully adopted hi-tech protection without hampering the charm and livability of the Côte d’Azur capital city. We talk to Sébastien Viano, Director of the European Affairs and External Funding of the Metropole Nice Côte d’Azur and coordinator of the EU Urban Agenda Partnership on Security in Public Spaces.

Interview with the Head of Supervision of the Uniformed Police in Berlin

Jörg Rock from Berlin's Senatsverwaltung für Inneres und Sport (Senate Department for the Interior and Sport) is the Head of Supervision of the Uniformed Police in Berlin and the manager of the project 'Protection of Public Spaces in Berlin'. He talks to us about the fortifications done at the Breitscheidplatz in Berlin after the truck ramming attack at the Christmas market on 19 December 2016.

INTREPID: Intelligent Toolkit for Reconnaissance and Assessment in Perilous Incidents

INTREPID is a three-year H2020-funded project (running from 1 October 2020 to 30 September 2023) that aims to help first responders deal with the challenges they face when they arrive at the scene of a hazardous incident. It provides a platform which will improve the 3D exploration and analysis of disaster areas by seamlessly integrating Intelligence Amplification and eXtended Reality concepts.