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The Security Union Strategy

On the 13th of December the European Commission is proposing new rules to strengthen the use of Advance Passenger Information (API) data. This proposal is one of the key actions identified in the EU Security Union Strategy. The EU continues its progress in strengthening its overall security architecture, which aims to enhance EU citizens' protection, as shown also in the Fifth Security Union Progress Report. The report highlights three years of solid progress in implementing the Security Union Strategy. It shows that significant steps have been made in strengthening the protection of critical infrastructures from physical, cyber and hybrid attacks, in fighting terrorism and radicalisation, as well as in the fight against organised crime.

New JRC Counter Terrorism website online

A new dedicated website on the JRC Tools and Data to Counter Terrorism has just been released. Visit the site to learn more about blast and vehicle ramming tools and Europlexus (the simulation software dedicated to the analysis of fast transient phenomena). This site is managed by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre.

The Security by Design book

The Security by Design book is published! The handbook introduces the innovative concept of security by design by promoting together with the protection aspect also a practical implementation in the design and redesign of public spaces. It was drafted by a broad range of experts in the security field coming from the European Commission and the academia. This book aims at addressing the practical concerns of integrating security measures for project teams, security operators, urban planners and anyone involved in public space projects.

Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism – Stories from the EU’s work around the globe

The EU invests in projects around the world aiming to stop extremism in its tracks before it erupts in violence. This is a multifaceted issue which has to be approached through a broad range of perspectives like education, media, women empowerment, youth work, socioeconomic inclusion, governance, justice and intercommunal activities. The brochure Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism: Stories from around the Globe showcases stories and lessons from such projects.

Protection of Urban Centres and Touristic Venues

The United Nations Global Programme on Countering Terrorist Threats against Vulnerable Targets organizes the International Expert Group Meeting on the Protection of Urban Centres and Touristic Venues

Beirut explosion 2020: A case study for a large-scale urban blast simulation

This scientific publication by scientists from the European Commission's Joint Research Centre uses the 2020 explosion in the Port of Beirut in Lebanon as a case study to assess the performance of a 3D large-scale urbanistic finite element model used to estimate the effects of explosion events in urban environments in terms of both structural damage and human casualties. This computational tool provides urban planners and decision makers with valuable information for vulnerability assessment and aid developing prevention or mitigation solutions.

EU-funded counter terrorism project in Ghana, Kenya and Senegal

The CT Public Spaces project, funded by the EU and managed by the European Commission’s Service for Foreign Policy Instruments (FPI), is working in cooperation with the public and private actors involved in the protection of public spaces and in counter-terrorism activities in partner countries. Initially the partner countries are Ghana, Kenya and Senegal. The aim of the project is to improve security and stability in partner countries, by preventing terrorist attacks and mitigating their impact in urban public spaces.

EU Digital Autumn School on Protection of Public Spaces

Building up on the success of last year’s event, the European Commission is organizing the second EU Digital Autumn School which will offer specialized workshops on a broad spectrum of topics related to the protection of public spaces. You can already book your place!

EU Action Plan on rail security: achievements and outlook

Aiming at enhancing passenger rail security in Europe through fostering a risk-based approach to rail security, allowing for a prompt and proportionate response to emerging threats, while keeping rail services open and accessible, the Action Plan on rail security is now almost complete.