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Statement by Karmenu Vella, European Commissioner for Maritime Affairs, Fisheries and Environment after political agreement on the Commission’s proposal on the Sustainable Management of the External Fishing Fleets

date:  20/06/2017

"Following intensive discussions and negotiations in trilogues over the last three months, the European Parliament and the Council have today reached a political agreement on the Commission’s proposal on the Sustainable Management of the External Fishing Fleets. Today's agreement shows that the European Union is a responsible and major global actor ensuring sustainable fishing by EU fleets beyond EU waters.

This new Regulation sets strict eligibility criteria to fish outside Union waters and puts in place a comprehensive system of fishing authorisations. The new rules also tackle abusive reflagging, chartering and transhipment activities. They will significantly increase transparency by creating a public register for fishing authorisations.

The newly adopted rules will help improve international ocean governance and the fight against IUU fishing. This development is a positive signpost on the way towards the Our Ocean conference in Malta on 5-6 October, underlining, as it does, the EU's capacity to deliver."