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Maritime Spatial Planning Conference: Addressing Land-Sea Interactions (Malta, 15-16 June)

The Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the European Commission is hosting a two-day conference to address the topic of Land-Sea Interactions within the framework of Maritime Spatial Planning.

date:  13/06/2017

Land-Sea Interaction (LSI) is a complex phenomenon, involving the impact of both natural processes and human activities on the coastal ocean. When carrying out Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP), it is essential to consider the dynamics that occur between land and sea, thus ensuring it is conducted in an integrated manner across maritime and terrestrial areas. That is particularly relevant for sectors such as shipping or offshore wind energy that have an onshore component, but also for the management of environmental quality. In fact, the EU Directive on MSP requires Member States to take LSI into account when preparing maritime spatial plans.

The conference will feature both experts and practitioners sharing their experience of addressing LSI in the framework of MSP. The audience will be invited to actively participate in the discussion.

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