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International Ocean Governance at the helm!

International Ocean Governance (IOG) plays a crucial role in fostering healthy oceans, halting the loss of biodiversity and fighting climate change. The EU is committed to strengthening the resilience of ocean and of the societies and economies depending from them.

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date:  17/02/2021

In 2020, the EU launched a consultation on the scope and objectives of International Ocean Governance with specific questions on the policy fields and actions under each of the three pillars identified in the 2016 joint communication.  A majority of respondents supported the overall objective to ensure clean, healthy, safe, secure and sustainably used oceans, while calling for adding elements such as “resilience” and climate change.

The results of the consultation are available online.

The consultation complements two major IOG events which took place in 2020 (April and December), with a series of thematic in-depth discussions that enabled stakeholders and experts to provide valuable input, in line with EU core values and actions.

The final meeting of the IOG forum will take place in April 2021. This will be the opportunity  to see how to strengthen the EU’s key role for improving IOG, by shaping recommendations into concrete and ambitious actions.