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Sustainable fisheries: Commission takes stock of the progress in the implementation of the EU's common fisheries policy and launches consultation on the fishing opportunities for 2021

The Commission adopted its annual communication taking stock of the implementation of the common fisheries policy (CFP) and launched a public consultation on the fishing opportunities for 2021.

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date:  17/06/2020

The communication reaffirms the Commission’s commitment to environmentally sustainable and economically viable fisheries, a key component of both the biodiversity and farm-to-fork strategies. Progress made under the common fisheries policy demonstrates that sustainability is both attainable and economically viable.

Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevičius, responsible for the Environment, Oceans and Fisheries, said: “The first months of this year have been extremely challenging for the fisheries sector, but targeted measures adopted very swiftly allowed us to provide effective support to our fishermen and women, our aquaculture farmers and our coastal communities across the EU. We need to further strengthen the resilience of the fisheries sector. Sustainable fisheries, delivered through the common fisheries policy, remain a key factor in this regard and an important building block of the European Green Deal, in particular of the recently published farm-to-fork and EU biodiversity strategy 2030. We continue to see positive developments in how we manage fisheries in the EU – recent reports show that we have 50% more fish in our seas than in 2003. At the same time, as figures show, large fleet segments have become very profitable over the last years with a positive impact on salaries. These are promising real-life examples to guide us on our path in turning the European Green Deal into a lasting reality. But it’s not a time for complacency. Many challenges remain. For example, we need to intensify our efforts to eliminate discards. I am counting on everyone to make an effort – Members States, industry and stakeholders alike. We must deliver what we have set out to achieve.”

Member States, Advisory Councils, the fishing industry, non-governmental organisations, and interested citizens are invited to take part in a public consultation and express their views on the fishing opportunities for 2021.

More information

Public consultation on fishing opportunities for 2021 under the common fisheries policy

Sustainable fisheries: Commission takes stock of the EU's Common Fisheries Policy and launches consultation on the fishing opportunities for 2021

Questions and Answers on the Commission's evaluation of the EU's Common Fisheries Policy and Fishing Opportunities for 2021