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Our Ocean 2018: Lunchtime conference on Sustainable Blue Economy Finance Principles

The European Commission together with the European Investment Bank, WWF and the World Resources Institute are organising a lunchtime side event on the Sustainable Blue Economy Finance Principles at Our Ocean 2018 in Bali, 29 October.

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Maritime Affairs Fisheries

date:  23/10/2018

Financial institutions and organisations with a keen interest in sustainable finance present at the conference, are warmly invited to attend this open event.

The event is part of an international campaign to build a coalition of financial institutions that endorse the Sustainable Blue Economy Finance Principles and demonstrate their support for healthy oceans in their investment decisions.

Since their launch at the World Ocean Summit in March 2018, this initiative is attracting new signatures day by day, from public and private investors around the world. With each new signature, the impact gets bigger. If adopted widely, these principles can help transform the way in which humanity manages ocean resources, showing how profitability can go hand in hand with environmental and social stewardship.

Join our lunchtime event to find out more about this initiative and learn how you can join!

Blue Economy Finance Principles: from words to action

Our Ocean conference Side event

29 October from 12:30 – 14:00

Room: Mengwi 3, Bali Nusa Dua Convention Centre


  • Karmenu VELLA, European Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries
  • Jonathan TAYLOR, Vice-President European Investment Bank
  • Pavan SUKHDEV, President WWF International
  • Erik SOLHEIM, Executive Director of United Nations Environment
  • Laura Tuck, Vice-President of the World Bank