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AGRIFISH Council: Member States to agree a general approach on fisheries technical measures

EU Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Karmenu Vella will be at the Council in Brussels on Thursday 11 May to discuss with European Agriculture and Fisheries Ministers the proposal on the conservation of fishery resources and the protection of marine ecosystems through technical measures.

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Maritime Affairs Fisheries

date:  10/05/2017

Technical measures are a broad set of rules which govern how, where and when fishermen may fish. This draft regulation, adopted by the Commission in March 2016, aims at replacing the current framework of rules in order to optimise the contribution of technical measures to achieving the key objectives of the new Common Fisheries Policy. The proposal addresses the governance structure of technical measures, rather than introducing changes to the measures themselves. It seeks to allow for improved flexibility and incentives to increase fishing selectivity.

Ministers are expected to agree on the general approach as proposed in the Presidency compromise text.

Under AOB, the Commission and the Maltese presidency will inform Ministers about the outcome of the ministerial conference on Mediterranean fisheries held recently in Malta and the adopted MedFish4Ever declaration.

Also under AOB, Sweden will draw Council's attention to the upcoming UN Ocean Conference to be held in New-York on 5-9 June, co-hosted by Sweden and Fiji. The UN conference is an important rendez-vous leading to the Our Oceans conference hosted by the EU, 5-6 October 2016 in Malta.

The public session and press conference can be followed online.