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European Commission calls all aquaria to join global awareness raising action about marine litter

Marine pollution is one of the key topics of the Our Ocean Conference. Every year millions of tons of litter end up in the ocean. It is estimated that by 2050 our seas could contain more plastic than fish. Aquaria are ideal partners to showcase this growing problem and to engage thousands of people, by presenting practical solutions.

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date:  05/05/2017

We are calling on aquaria to give their visitors a very vivid idea of how serious the issue is and what each of us can do about it. Any creative approach is welcome.

Participating aquaria will be provided with written material, giving key facts on the issue and proposing actions to citizens to prevent and fight against marine litter.

This action is scheduled to be launched in June.

The following aquaria have already enthusiastically confirmed their participation:

For more information, please contact:

See also: Our Ocean Conference 2017