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Seafood Expo Global 2017

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Maritime Affairs Fisheries

date:  25/04/2017 - 27/04/2017

Brussels, Belgium, European Commission stand at Hall 7 – 1411

Debate: Getting consumers on board - Integrating consumer expectations in the supply chain

On Tuesday 25 April, Mr Aguiar Machado, Director-General, Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, will discuss with sector representatives and the audience how to respond to consumer expectations. Mr Aguiar Machado will present the findings of a recent opinion poll of EU consumers and the lessons that can be learned from this and from market trends.

Producers, processors and retailers will then explain how they are taking consumer expectations into account when designing their strategies.

The panelists will be:

Mr Javier Garat, Secretary-General of CEPESCA
Mr Frank Carter, Wild Atlantic Shellfish Ltd.
Mr Jarosław Zieliński, Polish Association of Fish Processors
Ms Veronika Pountcheva, Global Director Corporate Sustainability, Metro AG

The debate will take place from 13:00 to 14:00.

Improving consumer information

Visit the European Commission stand to meet our team of experts and take part in short daily information sessions on the following issues:

  • Research and innovation to boost aquaculture
  • Sanitary conditions and procedures to import into the EU
  • Latest developments in EU trade policies regarding fisheries
  • European Market Observatory
  • EU consumer habits regarding fishery and aquaculture products
  • Mediterranean Strategy
  • Fisheries Local Action Groups


New official controls regulation

MedFish4ever declaration


EU Consumer habits - retailers' view

EU Consumer habits - young people

Consumer habits

Seafood labelling