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Sustainable blue growth in the Baltic: Tell us your priorities!

The Baltic Sea is a hotbed for maritime innovation and activities. It provides a huge potential for enhancing the blue economy and boosting the region’s competitiveness. Cooperation at sea-basin level has an essential role to play in building on this potential.

date:  28/10/2016

In 2014, the European Commission adopted a Sustainable Blue Growth Agenda for the Baltic Sea Region. Now it is taking this development one step further. The aim is to kick-start an implementation strategy, stimulating investment and more strategic inter-regional and inter-cluster cooperation.

In order to collect views and experiences, the Commission has launched an online survey targeting all Baltic stakeholders. The Commission would like to understand which areas of development and economic opportunities are most important to you. Interested stakeholders are encouraged to fill in the survey before 2 December 2016.

By taking part in this survey, you will help the European Commission identify the necessary steps and priorities, commitments and investment needed, and contribute to shaping the implementation of the EU's Baltic Blue Growth Agenda.

Want to learn more and get involved? Please read the information leaflet.

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