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Seminar "State of fish stocks and the economics of fishing fleets"

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Fishing rules Fisheries

date:  26/09/2014

venue:  Brussels, Belgium


Master of Ceremonies/Moderator – Ms. Lowri Evans
Director General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries

09.00 - 09.10

Welcome and introduction - Ms. Lowri Evans

09.10- 09.35

Overview of Northeast Atlantic Stocks - The chair of the Advisory Committee of ICES (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea) will summarise the biological status of the main stocks in the Northeast Atlantic for EU fisheries in relation to the target agreed for the reformed Common Fisheries Policy.
Eskild Kirkegaard - Presentation pdf - 3 MB [3 MB]

09.35- 10.00

Overview of stocks in the Mediterranean and Black Seas - A scientific presentation will be made of new information concerning fish stocks in the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea, also in relation to the exploitation target agreed for the reformed Common Fisheries Policy.
Massimiliano Cardinale - Presentation pdf - 5 MB [5 MB]

10.00- 10.15

Questions and answers

10.15- 10.35


10.35 - 11.00

Fisheries economics performance - The chair of the Expert group on the Annual Economic Report of the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries will present the latest information on the economic performance of EU fisheries. 
Anton Paulrud - Presentation pdf - 2 MB [2 MB]

11.00- 12.00

Panel discussion

Representatives from the Advisory Councils (ACs) will each make a brief introductory statement. Catching, NGO and processing sectors to be represented. The Commission will be represented on the panel. Following a discussion among the panellists and the speakers, the chair will open the floor for the participants to put questions to the panel.


Closing remarks

The Director-General of the Commission's Directorate General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries will sum-up the main conclusions and close the event.