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Conference "Common Fisheries Policy: Which Future for Aquaculture?"

Commissioner Maria Damanaki together with Nicolaus Berlakovich, Austrian Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management hosted a high-level conference on the future of European Aquaculture, to discuss how the European Commission, the Member States, the European Parliament and the stakeholders can contribute to unlocking the potential for the further development of aquaculture and in particular freshwater aquaculture in Europe.

date:  11/05/2012

venue:  Austria, Salzburg

About 120 participants attended the event, including representatives of national and regional authorities, professionals from different sectors, non-governmental organizations and other stakeholders.

Agenda and presentations

09.00-09.30 Registration and coffee

Introductory speeches by

Mr Berlakovich pdf - 23 KB [23 KB] – Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management of Austria

Ms Damanaki  – Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, European Commission

Mr Stevenson pdf - 108 KB [108 KB] – Member of the European Parliament, United Kingdom

  SESSION 1: Aquaculture in the context of the CFP
Chair: Mr Berlakovich, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management of Austria

Introductory remarks

- from the perspective of the European Parliament:
Mr Milana – Member of the European Parliament, Italy

- from a national perspective:
Mr Bendl pdf - 148 KB [148 KB] – Minister of Agriculture of the Czech Republic

10.30-10.45 Cutting red tape
Mr Larsen pdf - 349 KB [349 KB] – Danish Environmental Protection Agency
10.45-11.00 Green inland aquaculture
Ms Pyc pdf - 2 MB [2 MB] – Polish Trout Breeders Association, Aller Aqua
11.00-11.15 Marketing and labelling
Mr Baummann pdf - 437 KB [437 KB] –Swedish Food Retailers Federation
11.15-11.45 Coffee break
11.45-12.45 Concluding remarks:
Mr Schou pdf - 946 KB [946 KB] – Minister Adviser on fisheries and aquaculture, Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries of Denmark


  SESSION 2: Adding value to aquaculture
Chair: Mr Bianchi – Head of Unit, Common Fisheries policy and Aquaculture, Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, European Commission

Aquaculture and its environmental services
Mr Simard pdf - 2 MB [2 MB] – International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

Adding value to the product
Ms Ferns pdf - 2 MB [2 MB] – South East Shellfish Co-Operative, Ireland

Adding value to the business
Mr Levai pdf - 4 MB [4 MB] – Aranyponty Fishing Inc., Hungary

Adding value later in the chain
Mr Payr – Fischspezialist, Austria

16.00 Q&A
16.30 Closure of the conference