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Overview    Event

The Atlantic Strategy in Action

date:  08/06/2016

Location: Brussels, Belgium
Date: 08/06/2016



Breakout sessions reports



The maritime strategy for growth and jobs in the Atlantic Ocean area (COM(2011)782 of 21.11.2011) identified challenges and opportunities in the area and took stock of initiatives supporting growth and job creation. The Strategy is implemented through an Action Plan (COM(2013)279 of 13.05.2013) containing a set of overarching priorities, and for each of these priorities, a number of specific ideas for actions and projects. It is up to the Member States concerned to decide how the proposed actions can be funded using planned EU instruments, especially through the European Structural Investment Funds or "ESIF Funds".

The European Commission, in cooperation with the "Atlantic Strategy Group" (a group of representatives from Member States of the Atlantic and from EU institutions, providing political momentum and steer in the implementation of the Strategy) and the Committee of Regions, organised a one day event on the state of play of the implementation of the Atlantic Strategy and its Action Plan.


The main objectives of this event were to improve knowledge and awareness of the Action Plan, allow Managing Authorities to present their work on embedding the Action Plan in funding instruments (national, regional, crossborder and transnational) and learn from other participants about current or forthcoming funding opportunities relevant for the Strategy and the Action Plan. The event also provided an opportunity for the managing authorities to outline barriers or impediments to implementing the Action Plan.

Target audience

The target group for this event were individuals, bodies and organisations involved in EU funding activities, in particular national and regional actors managing "shared management" funds, such as the ESIF funds.

The event took place in Brussels, on 8 June 2016, at the premises of the Committee of the Regions.

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