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Commission adopts Action Plan to improve fisheries control in Lithuania

After Sweden (last March) and Finland (May), the Commission has adopted an Action Plan with Lithuania on 26 November to further improve the control of Baltic fisheries.

date:  26/11/2015

The Action Plan is based on an audit of the Lithuanian fisheries control system which uncovered inefficiencies in the collection, validation and cross-checking of catch data that might render the calculation of quota uptake unreliable. Other shortcomings concern gaps in national legislation, inadequate human resources and double reporting.

The Action Plan, designed jointly with the national authorities, will help ensure that Lithuania equips itself with the proper administrative set up, IT systems and human resources.

By bolstering fisheries control, the Plan will benefit sustainability and the fishermen themselves – since respecting quotas and following the principles of the Common Fisheries Policy creates a level playing field and lets fish stocks recover.

Action plans are a cooperative way to enforce the Common Fisheries Policy and are considered quite effective, having shown to obtain good results in record time (pursuant to Article 102(4) of Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009 the Commission shall establish an action plan with the Member State concerned, if shortcomings in the national control system are identified).