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Harnessing our ocean wealth: Commissioner calls for a 'true global governance project'

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date:  10/07/2015

It is time that we expand our vision for a blue economy by doing what we can to ensure good international ocean governance. This was the main message that European Commissioner Karmenu Vella, responsible for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, shared with participants at the 'Harnessing Our Ocean Wealth' conference in Ireland today.

Stressing the need to create a 'true global ocean governance project', Mr Vella also said that the EU could not shy away from taking a major role in this debate: "Our oceans are a global resource. But many tell me that the current international ocean governance framework is not effective enough. Europe has a firm place in global fisheries and it has a large maritime economy. The size of our exclusive economic zone alone gives us the responsibility to play a global role. So I believe that the European Union should lead this project by engaging with our international organisations and partners."

Mr Vella also stressed Ireland's pioneering role in developing a holistic strategy to foster blue growth: "You had a very clear vision and a very clear goal in mind when you put in place the 'Harnessing Our Ocean Wealth' strategy back in 2012. With that clear vision, you have been able to take the right decisions. […] But Ireland's strength is not only to have developed a national strategy. No, you have made a deliberate choice to go beyond that and be part of our joint European blue growth initiative. […] I want to ensure that there is a similar vision of our oceans across the European Union to the one that already exists here in Ireland."

Ireland is a key stop in the Commissioner's 'listening tour' on international ocean governance. Mr Vella yesterday visited Galway, where he met with industry, NGOs and researchers from the Irish Marine Institute. He will meet fishermen during a visit to the fishing village of Kinsale tomorrow.

The Commission launched a consultation on international ocean governance last month, which is open until 15 September.

Based on the results of both the consultation and the listening tour, the Commission will consider follow-up action early next year to indicate how the EU thinks our oceans can best be managed – and how we think the EU can contribute.

Commissioner Vella's speech