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EEA report - State of seas - reaction by Commissioner Karmenu Vella

The EEA report on the State of Europe's Seas reaffirms our message that we still need to do more for our seas. The EU is committed to blue growth that is both environmentally and economically sustainable.

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date:  25/06/2015

A blue growth that  protects our oceans today, for use by future generations tomorrow. Healthy ecosystems are the basis for a productive ocean economy. They are an asset – or simply put, our natural capital.  They are a source of income for our fishing industry, tourist industry, aquaculture, and much more.  We should not forget either the economic value that comes with the development of clean technologies and services that keeps our oceans healthy, including ocean energy which contributes to the EU's drive for renewable energy sources.

Doing more to keep our seas clean and healthy does not only require action internally, but also externally. The existing international ocean governance framework could be ineffective in addressing maritime challenges such as marine pollution and illegal fishing; particularly in the 60 per cent of the oceans beyond national jurisdictions. I am committed to work intensively to define Europe's role in international ocean governance, for a sustainable blue economy and blue growth and I invite everyone to take part in the ongoing public consultation  and tell us your views on the best path for action and the EU's role in in this.

More information

EEA report