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The EFCA adopts its Work Programme for 2015 and elects the Chairperson of its Administrative Board

The European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA) has adopted its Multiannual Work Programme for 2015-2019 and the Annual Work Programme at the meeting of the Administrative Board held on 17 of October 2014.

date:  20/10/2014

Moreover, the budget adopted in the meeting for 2014 is of €9,2 mio., almost the same figure as last year’s budget, and subject to the adoption of the EU Budgetary Authority.

Mr Reinhard Priebe, a lawyer from Germany, has been elected the new Chairman of the EFCA Administrative Board. Mr Priebe is a retired European Commission official, who has been Director in the European Commission in the Directorate General for External Relations and before in the Directorate General for Fisheries and Maritime Affairs.

EFCA’s Administrative Board adopted its new Multiannual work programme 2015-2019 and the Annual work programme for 2015, which will very much focus on the effective assistance to Member States and the Commission in the implementation of the reformed Common Fisheries Policy. In this sense, the EFCA offers a renewed approach of cooperation to the Administrative Board with the ultimate goal of enhancing a culture of Compliance in the Common Fisheries Policy and achieving the level playing field in the most cost-efficient way.

The new features of the Common Fisheries Policy basic regulation entail significant changes related to the landing obligation for catches, new international requirements and in the fight against IUU activities. The EFCA offers its technical expertise, brokers cooperation and gives the necessary support to the Member States and the European Commission in the implementation of the control regime of the Common Fisheries Policy.
Beyond operational coordination, this support will comprise of the training for trainers and inspectors, as well as the facilitation of data management systems, that can operate in a smart and strategic way. Further, support will be extended to the proceedings of the expert group on compliance where the EFCA will be an observer.

Indeed, the recently agreed Common Fisheries Policy regulation offers new challenges and the EFCA - in cooperation with Member States, EU institutions and other stakeholders - will strive to ensure its effective implementation which will put the EU firmly on the path of a sustainable fishing sector and fishing communities,” said Pascal Savouret, EFCA Executive Director.

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