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Russian trade ban on fishery products: Commission in close contact with EU governments; financial support possible for storage

Following Russia’s announcement on 7 August to ban imports of certain fisheries products from the European Union, the European Commission is working closely with Member States authorities to gather evidence on the impact of the Russian trade measures in the fisheries sector and to outline the available support to the sectors affected by the ban.

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International Fisheries

date:  02/09/2014

In 2013, the total export value of the banned EU fisheries products was close to EUR 144 million, which represents 2% of total value of the EU's fish and aquaculture annual product.

The Commission is monitoring the situation and striving to achieve a coordinated and appropriate response for all sectors affected by the ban, including the fisheries sector. Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Maria Damanaki, has had letter exchanges with the UK authorities as well as with the Italian Presidency on the matter, and her services have been in contact with the Finnish and Danish authorities so far. The Commissioner has instructed her services to continue this work hand in hand with all Member States potentially concerned as well as with the industry in order to take into account all facts for a thorough analysis of the impact of the Russian measures.

The European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) provides for financial help to support producer organisations who are unable to sell their products to Russia and who could thus store the unsold products pending finding new market outlets. This financial support can be used by coastal Member States without a specific approval by the European Commission, and is provided to Producers Organisations. It can be mobilised on the conditions set out in Art. 30 of the Common Market Organisation and in Art. 67 of the EMFF.


Russia is the EU's 6th export market for fisheries products. In 2013, EU exports of fisheries products to Russia represented 5%, or EUR 199 million, of total EU fisheries exports. In 2013, fisheries products represented 0.2% of the EU’s overall exports to Russia.

The fisheries products affected by the ban are live, fresh, chilled, frozen, salted, in brine and smoked fish, molluscs and crustaceans. The main Member States exporting these products to Russia in 2013 were Denmark, Latvia, UK, Ireland, Estonia, Spain and France.