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European Maritime and Fisheries Fund: Commission publishes breakdown by Member State

Following the recent adoption of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) (IP/14/458), the European Commission will, this afternoon, set out the breakdown of the fund by priority and Member State.

date:  13/06/2014

The breakdown covers the €5.75bn which will be implemented under shared management by Member States. The total EMFF budget, including shared and direct management, is of €6.4bn for the period 2014-2020. With the reform of its Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), the EU has acted against overfishing and the practice of throwing unwanted fish back in the sea. The EMFF is the financial instrument to help deliver these objectives by providing financial support to fishermen, fish farmers and coastal communities and by funding projects to help boost growth and jobs in the European maritime economy.