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Commission proposes fishing opportunities for the Black Sea for 2014

The European Commission has presented its proposal for fishing opportunities for fish stocks in the Black Sea for 2014.

date:  27/11/2013

Only two Member states, namely Bulgaria and Romania, are concerned by the proposals. The Commission proposes to cut the EU quota for turbot by 15%, to 74 tonnes and to keep the EU quota for sprat unchanged at 11,475 tonnes. The EU quota for turbot is divided evenly between the two Member States whilst for sprat Bulgaria and Romania's national quotas are set respectively at 70% and 30 % of the total EU quota. The proposal takes into consideration the advice by the Commission's Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) and will be discussed by EU member states ministers at the December Fisheries Council. On behalf of the EU, the Commission is promoting the adoption of management measures for the Black Sea in the framework of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM). This year a set of technical measures affecting the turbot fishery have been adopted whilst the GFCM will also test in 2014 the feasibility of establishing management plans in the region.