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Open seminar on the state of fish stocks in European waters

Maria Damanaki, European Commissioner for Maritime Affaires and Fisheries, has convened an open seminar on the morning of the 17th September to look into the state of European fish stocks and fishing fleets.

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date:  09/09/2013

Senior experts in fisheries biology and fisheries economics will present and evaluate the latest biological and economic information. Fishing industry and environmental representatives will be present to give their views, and a wide-ranging discussion will be held.

The interactive seminar will include overviews of the the biological status of the main stocks of interest for EU fisheries in the North-East Atlantic, Mediterranean and Black Seas, up to date information on the economic performance of EU fisheries, as well as participative panel discussions and question and answer sessions with experts.

This meeting is a part of the preparation of decisions for fisheries regulations in 2014, including fishing quotas. The decisions will be the first round of regulations being decided under the reformed Common Fisheries Policy. The Commission will explain its methodology and approach to managing fisheries for sustainability.

This is an open meeting and any interested person is welcome to attend, subject to space in the meeting room. Interested persons should register for a place.