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Illegal fishing (IUU)

16th Session of the Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission (WECAFC) – a first step towards better fisheries governance in the region

The 16th Session of the Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission (WECAFC) was held in Gosier (Guadeloupe, France) from 20-24 June 2016. It was attended by representatives from 28 member countries, including the European Commission for the European Union, as well as observers from sub-regional fisheries organisations, cooperation agencies and civil society.

UN/CEFACT adopts the FLUX Standard for sustainable fisheries management

World fish stocks are being depleted by overfishing and illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing. This threatens not only the fish, but also the coastal communities that rely on fisheries for economic survival and a dependable food source. The European Commission has worked in close cooperation with EU countries and non-EU countries to develop the FLUX standards in order to exchange fisheries information in an effective, transparent and efficient manner.

EU and Canada step up cooperation in the fight against illegal fishing

The EU and Canada today signed a Joint Declaration on illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing, sending a strong message of zero tolerance towards such criminal activities. The declaration was signed by Karmenu Vella, EU Commissioner for Environment, Fisheries and Maritime Affairs, and the Canadian Minister of Fisheries Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard, Hunter Tootoo.

SEAFO annual meeting 2015

This year's annual meeting of the South-East Atlantic Fisheries Organisation was held in Swakopmund, Namibia, from 30 November to 4 December. The outcome is very satisfactory for the EU, which was again a driving force behind the adoption of the main measures - notably the updating of the system of Observation, Inspection, Compliance and Enforcement as well as all Scientific Committee recommendations, notably the TAC of Patagonian Toothfish and Deep-sea Red Crabs.

Fighting illegal fishing: Commission warns Taiwan and Comoros with yellow cards and welcomes reforms in Ghana and Papua New Guinea

The Commission today confirmed its zero tolerance policy against illegal fishing worldwide by warning the Comoros and Taiwan that they risk being identified as uncooperative countries in the fight against illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing. At the same time, the Commission is lifting the yellow cards from Ghana and Papua New Guinea, which have significantly reformed their fisheries governance system.

Commissioner Vella in Agadir, Morocco on 18-19 February

European Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Karmenu Vella will visit Agadir, Morocco to take part in the third edition of the Salon Halieutis. The event, organised by Morocco under the high patronage of King Mohamed VI, focuses on the different economic sectors of the marine fisheries, aquaculture and seafood industries, and will attract 45,000 visitors and exhibitors from over 30 countries.

EU makes strides in fight against global illegal fishing

The European Commission has granted six month extensions to the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, and Ghana as they work towards eradicating illegal fishing in their countries. All three had been issued with warnings for not doing enough to address their fisheries control weaknesses and a six month period, coupled with an action plan, to make the necessary changes.