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Sustainable fisheries: EU and Cape Verde sign a new protocol

Today, the EU and Cape Verde signed a new protocol to implement the Sustainable Fishing Partnership Agreement (SFPA).

date:  20/05/2019

The protocol covers a period of five years and is providing fishing opportunities for a maximum of 69 Union vessels to fish in Cabo Verde waters, on the basis of the best available scientific advice and following the recommendations of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT).

The EU and Cape Verde have a long standing relation in the field of fisheries which started in 2007. This new protocol, which applies provisionally as of today, contains a yearly EU financial contribution of 750 000€, including 350 000€ annually earmarked to promote the sustainable management of fisheries in Cape Verde, notably through measures aiming at reinforcing control and surveillance capacities and supporting local fishing communities.

H.E. José Filomeno DE CARVALHO DIAS MONTEIRO, Ambassador (Cape Verde)
João AGUIAR MACHADO, Director General (DG MARE)
H.E. Luminița Teodora ODOBESCU, Ambassador (Romania)