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EU deploys vessel in the Adriatic Sea to reinforce fisheries control

Since 1 December, the inspection vessel 'AEGIS I' has been patrolling in the Adriatic Sea as part of a joint deployment plan for the Mediterranean. The European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA) is collaborating with Greece, Italy and Croatia who will have inspectors on board the vessel.

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Control Fisheries

date:  19/12/2017

The main purpose is to monitor and carry out inspections on fishing vessels engaged in fishing of small pelagic species, blue fin tuna and swordfish. In addition, the operation will monitor fishing activity in the Jabuka/Pomo Pit area where a new fisheries restricted area will come into force in 2018 as part of a recommendation by the General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean (GFCM).

This GFCM recommendation and the associated control regime are tangible results of the commitments made in the Malta Medfish4ever ministerial declaration, which acknowledged that control and inspection are essential elements for the success of conservation and management measures in the Mediterranean. Moreover, the Declaration sought to further develop both fisheries restricted areas and marine protected areas in the Mediterranean Sea. It is expected that the Declaration will ensure effective protection of least 10% of the Mediterranean by 2020, in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 14.5 and the priorities of the Our Ocean conference hosted by the EU in October.

Compliance with the rules of the EU's Common Fisheries Policy is crucial for achieving healthy and sustainable fish stocks. The European Fisheries Control Agency contributes to an effective and uniform application of these rules. Through joint deployment plans, EFCA facilitates cooperation between Member States by exchanging inspectors, joint planning and coordinating the deployment of national fisheries patrol vessels.