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Commissioner Vella at UN Environment Assembly "Towards a Pollution-free Planet" in Kenya, 4-5 December

Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Karmenu Vella will lead the EU Delegation at the third meeting of the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA). It will focus on the fight against pollution, and take place at United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Headquarters in Nairobi from 4 - 6 December, bringing together environment ministers, civil society and business from UN Member States.

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date:  04/12/2017

The European Union has announced 20 commitments to tackle pollution in response to a call from UNEP.  Demonstrating EU leadership these voluntary commitments cover new policy initiatives on plastics and pharmaceuticals in water, measures to tackle marine litter and air pollution, as well as funding initiatives that invest in measures to tackle pollution in Europe and beyond.  This is backed up by a proposal for a resolution from the EU and its Member States on environment and health covering the management of chemicals and waste, climate, biodiversity, antimicrobial resistance, and sustainable consumption and production. Commissioner Vella said: "An estimated 9 million people a year die from pollution worldwide. With our commitments we want to give a powerful message to the world that we are determined to beat pollution. The decisions at UNEA will be an important landmark. They will set the direction for all those engaged in the fight for a pollution-free world: governments, the private sector, scientists, civil society and individual citizens." The EU is organising together with UN Environment a side event onthe role of the Circular Economy towards a pollution-free planet. The event, opened by Commissioner Vella and closed by the Estonian Presidency, with the participation of Environment Ministers from China, Chile and South Africa, will contribute to frame global action on sustainable consumption and production, exploring how a circular economy can address resource constraints and generate economic opportunities.

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UN Environment Assembly (UNEA)