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Register to the high-level event A sustainable Arctic – innovative approaches

The European Commission, together with European External Action Service and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, will co-host the high-level event "A sustainable Arctic – innovative approaches", to take place in Oulu (Finland) on 15-16 June 2017 (starting on 15 June afternoon and finishing on 16 June afternoon).

date:  04/04/2017

Following the publication of the Joint Communication on an integrated European Union policy for the Arctic, Commissioner Karmenu Vella and High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the European Commission Federica Mogherini will have an open debate with governments, industry, research, indigenous and local community representatives on the climate and environmental challenges facing the Arctic and on how international and local cooperation can boost sustainable and innovative development.

The event will also include a high-level session of the Arctic Stakeholder Forum and the annual Indigenous Peoples Arctic Dialogue. A more detailed programme will be published in the coming weeks.

Please, follow this link and register to the event:

For more information, please contact:



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