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Malta’s Schools Love Our Ocean

On the 5th - 6th October 2017 the European Union will be hosting the fourth Our Ocean Conference, attended by Heads of State, Government Ministers, and ocean leaders.

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date:  09/02/2017

The event is designed to deliver on Ocean protection and sustainable use. So far, 4 billion dollars of commitments have been made to ocean projects worldwide. Achieving this in only three years shows just how far we can come. All these projects focussed on protecting the ocean's future.

Speaking of the future, the European Commission, under the initiative of Commissioner Karmenu Vella and in collaboration with the Maltese Ministry of Education, will organise a  school project “Malta’s Schools Love Our Ocean”. Our motivation to protect the  future of our oceans is the next generation. To keep that motivation going we need them involved. And the best way to make ocean champions of future generations is to help them discover what is at stake.

The project will provide an opportunity for young people (aged 10-15) to learn more about the Ocean - its extraordinary biodiversity, its role on Climate, the pressures it faces. Students will discover how to protect our seas and marine life. They will learn how to involve peers, communities and decision makers.  

The “Malta’s Schools Love Our Ocean” activities will be showcased on the #OurOcean website Some of these 'Our Ocean Ambassadors' will even be invited to present the outcomes of the school projects at the Our Ocean Conference.

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