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Ocean Energy roadmap claims 10% of EU energy needs through wave & tidal by 2050

Tomorrow the Ocean Energy Forum will release a report that charts a path to 10% of Europe's energy needs being met by tidal and wave energy.

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date:  07/11/2016

The roadmap outlines five main phases for success. These phases would be underpinned by a 250 million euro investment fund and a 70 million euro insurance fund.  Research and Development, Prototype, Demonstration, Pre-Commercial and Industrial roll out could then be delivered along the envisioned timetable. Commissioner for the Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Karmenu Vella, who will attend the Ocean Energy Conference in Brussels for the launch of the roadmap, said: "The roadmap estimates that ocean energy could meet up to 10% of the EU's power demand by 2050, equivalent to cutting 276 million tonnes of CO2 every year".  The event is part of the EU Ocean Week. On Thursday, Commissioner Vella will announce a Joint Communication prepared with High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini on Ocean Governance. On Saturday (12 November) he will speak at the Oceans Action Day at COP22 in Marrakesh, Morocco and outline the role of the oceans as part of the European efforts to implement the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. "Today is about the sustainable use of the ocean, Thursday we will outline the need for rules and on Saturday in Marrakesh we talk about protection. Each element is a vital part of our strategic approach". The roadmap will be made available tomorrow at 10:00 am here.

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Ocean Energy Forum