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Sustainable development of the blue economy of the Black Sea - Enhancing marine and maritime cooperation

date:  30/01/2014

Date: 30/01/2014, 08.45 – 17.15
Location: Bucharest, Romania

The Black Sea basin faces numerous challenges of marine and maritime nature. There is a need of an enhanced cooperation across all coastal states to ensure growth and sustainable development of the blue economy taking into account existing commitments for protection of the environment.

The Black Sea Stakeholders conference was called to give visibility to the concrete work carried out in the Black Sea showing the benefit of regional cooperation. The conference came to encourage a dialogue at more technical level in specific fields of the maritime domain such as maritime clusters, environmental protection, fisheries management and aquaculture. It sought to stimulate cross-sectorial initiatives which are mutually beneficial to the littoral states concerned.


Following the opening remarks of the key-note speakers, the conference moved on to discuss:



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