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NAFO follows EU lead by boosting shark and ecosystem protection in the North-West Atlantic

The 38th annual meeting of the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organisation (NAFO) took place from 19 to 23 September 2016 in Varadero, Cuba. NAFO Contracting Parties decided on total allowable catches (TACs) for a number of stocks. Under the leadership of the EU and Canada, NAFO also set the course for improved fisheries management in the high seas.

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International Fisheries

date:  26/09/2016

In particular NAFO adopted a fins-naturally-attached policy for sharks caught in the NAFO Regulatory Area, following an EU proposal. It thereby became the second Regional Fisheries Management Organisation to follow the steps taken by the EU to eradicate the wasteful practice of shark finning.

In order to protect marine ecosystems, in particular to avoid significant adverse impacts on corals, sponges and sea pens, NAFO also decided to ban all bottom fishing within a 239 km2 area north-east of the Flemish Cap. This decision follows a singularly rigorous and detailed assessment of significant adverse impacts, confirming NAFO's continuous efforts to maintain and refine its ecosystem approach to fisheries management – a key principle of the EU's own approach to fisheries management.

Contracting Parties set catch limits for Greenland halibut, for two stocks of redfish in the Grand Bank, for skate in the Grand Bank, as well as for shortfin squid, taking due account of scientific advice. The fishing bans on American plaice, witch flounder and shrimp in the Grand Bank were maintained to give these stocks further time to recover. Contracting Parties also agreed to work towards putting in place a long-term management plan for Greenland halibut, a key stock for the EU, as of next year.

NAFO also agreed on additional technical measures to further improve compliance and enforcement in the northwest Atlantic. In particular, NAFO aligned its port state measures with FAO's Port State Measures Agreement, thereby reinforcing the global fight against illegal fishing.

The 39th NAFO Annual Meeting will be held in Halifax, Canada, from 18-22 September 2017.