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Conference "European Aquaculture: the path for growth"

Commissioner Maria Damanaki together with Miguel Arias Cañete, Spanish Minister of Agriculture, Food and Environment and Alberto Nuñez Feijóo, President of the Government of Galicia, have co-hosted the EU-wide stakeholders Conference "European Aquaculture: the path for growth".

date:  23/11/2012

venue:  Coruña, Spain

 The aim of this high level conference was to have an exchange of views on a first set of ideas for topics to include in the future draft Strategic Guidelines for the promotion of European aquaculture. The Guidelines are announced in the CFP reform package and have the objective to support the Member States in developing multiannual plans for aquaculture with the aim of contributing to boost EU aquaculture.

About 170 participants attended the event, including representatives of national and regional authorities, professionals from different sectors, non-governmental organizations and other stakeholders.

Agenda and presentations

08.30-09.00 Registration and welcome

Opening speeches:

Carlos Negreira Souto, Mayor of A Coruña
Alberto Núñez Feijóo pdf - 109 KB [109 KB] español (es) ,  President of the Government of Galicia



Presentation of the current state of play of the aquaculture sector in the EU Member States 
Moderator:  Carlos Dominguez, Secretary General for Fisheries, Spain

European Aquaculture Performance Indicators pdf - 573 KB [573 KB]
Stephan Lechner, Director of the Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen, JRC

Strategic guidelines for sustainable development of EU Aquaculture pdf - 695 KB [695 KB]
Ernesto Bianchi, Head of Unit, DG Maritime Affairs and Fisheries


Structured debate on the proposed Strategic Guidelines for the promotion of Aquaculture:
Moderator:  Ernesto Penas Lado, Director, DG  Maritime Affairs and Fisheries

Views from national and local authorities, the industry, stakeholders and NGOs 

11.00-11.20 Coffee break

Structured debate on the proposed Strategic Guidelines for the promotion of Aquaculture:
Moderator:  Ernesto Penas Lado, Director, DG  Maritime Affairs and Fisheries

Views from national and local authorities, the industry, stakeholders and NGOs




National strategic plans for aquaculture – a practical tool to support sustainable aquaculture development: lessons from existing practices
Moderator:  Ernesto Penas Lado, Director, DG  Maritime Affairs and Fisheries

Presentation of Galician Aquaculture strategy pdf - 3 MB [3 MB] español (es)
Juan Carlos Maneiro Cadillo, General Secretary of Maritime Affairs of Galicia

Presentation of the Irish planning framework for aquaculture development pdf - 3 MB [3 MB]
Donal Maguire, Director of Aquaculture Development Services- Irish Sea Fisheries Board (BIM)



Closing speeches:

Maria Damanaki – Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, European Commission
Miguel Arias Cañete – Minister of Agriculture, Food and Environment of Spain