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Commission consults stakeholders: a seminar to know where we are and where we are going with our fisheries

On July 15, in a seminar on the status of European fish stocks and on the economic situation of European fishing fleets, the Commission will be hearing the views of the fishing sector, scientific organisations, NGOs, national administrations and other members of the public, i.e. all those concerned with the EU's fisheries legislation.

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date:  13/07/2016

Karmenu Vella, European Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, will open the seminar and then give the floor to senior experts in fisheries biology who will present the situation in the Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea and the North-East Atlantic and nearby waters. A senior fisheries economist will outline the economic structure of the fishing vessels of the EU. For the European Commission, data, science and facts are foundation for sound decision-making and must feed into all new initiatives and Total Allowable Catches (TAC) levels. The seminar will also be an opportunity to explore in depth the present and future situation of our fisheries: knowing where we are today, where we need to be tomorrow, and how to get there is what the success of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) rests upon.

Live webstreaming of the seminar will be available at and Twitter coverage of @EU_MARE will be under the dedicated hashtag is #EUFishEcon.


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