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As blue fin tuna season opens Vella uses success story to push for more efforts on Mediterranean fish stocks

Fish stocks in the Mediterranean are deteriorating at an alarming rate, threatening the jobs and livelihoods of thousands of fishermen.

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date:  27/05/2016

Taking the #MEdfish4ever campaign to the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) in Malta on Monday (30 May) , Karmenu Vella, the Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries will urge representatives to increase fish stock recovery effort.

Citing the successful recovery of Blue Fin Tuna, Vella stated that; "As the blue fin tuna season opens we see that thanks to our joint efforts, fishermen can take to the sea with renewed sense of purpose. Our task this week and over the coming months, is to extend this success story to other Mediterranean stocks".

The blue fin tuna campaign for purse seiner vessels will run this year from 26 May to 24 June in the Mediterranean and the Eastern Atlantic.

The Medfish4ever campaign was launched at Seafood expo. Efforts are largely focussed towards a major Ministerial declaration in spring of next year.