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SAVE THE DATE and CALL FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST: Workshop on strategic cooperation on Blue Growth in the North Sea, 20-21 June 2016, The Hague, The Netherlands

The North Sea is an economic maritime heavyweight in Europe and provides a huge potential for enhancing the blue economy and boosting the region’s competitiveness. Cooperation at sea-basin level has an essential role to play in building on this potential.

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date:  29/03/2016

In order to foster a discussion on a broad set of economic opportunities related to the blue economy, the European Commission aims to bring together selected stakeholders for a day and a half of structured discussions.  The event will be focused on challenges and opportunities for strategic transnational co-operation and in particular, what needs to be done to facilitate and accelerate strategic public-private initiatives that can maximise joint business opportunities in blue growth areas/value chains in the North Sea region. The workshop will be organised in a participative and inclusive way, as to identify the collective ideas and needs of the stakeholders.

In order to collect views and experience from stakeholders and potential workshop participants an online survey is being launched. The survey results will be used draw up the final programme so as to ensure a structured, focused and result-oriented discussion. Interested stakeholders are requested to fill in the survey before 25 April 2016.  

Online registration and practical information on the event:  registration will be provided to the participants who receive an invitation to the event (early May). To make sure a representative group of stakeholders are present in a balanced way, participation will be on an invitation only basis.

Detailed information on the programme and final report will be available for all stakeholders on the website for the workshop (link will follow in the coming weeks). The workshop will be hosted by the Province of South Holland in the Province House (Provinciehuis) located in The Hague.