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Setting sails for the European Maritime Day 2016

Spring is at our doorstep and so is the European Maritime Day on 18-19 May, in Turku, Finland

date:  16/03/2016

We are looking forward to an exciting and interactive event focusing on "Investing in competitive Blue Growth - smart and sustainable solutions".

Many stakeholders have already signed up to take part in an event that will include: over 20 stakeholder workshops, two high-level plenary debates, five targeted thematic sessions, matchmaking meetings, a networking village with more than 30 exhibitors, a photo competition,  a site visit to an ocean energy research center, a a maritime litter art project (see more on EMD Public Days) and a classical music concert. Furthermore, more than 30 maritime events will be organised across EU to celebrate the European Maritime Day. 

See you in Turku! And don't forget to register

More information and updated programme are available on the website