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Give your views on funding for fisheries and maritime projects

The European Commission, Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries has launched a public consultation as part of the 2007-2013 ESF (European Social Fund) 2013 ex-post evaluation tο receive feedback from the public on the effectiveness and efficiency of the EFF (European Fisheries Fund) Operational Programmes and their impact.

date:  25/02/2016

The consultation will also look into the public opinion concerning the future of EMFF (European Maritime Fisheries Fund) after 2020. These results shall contribute to the  impact assessment of the programming period after 2020.

All citizens and organisations are welcome to contribute to this consultation, especially the stakeholders who have been involved directly in EFF programmes during the 2007-2013 period: Member states, Managing Authorities, Implementing bodies at all levels, social and other partners represented in the monitoring committee, fishermen, Producer Organisations, NGOs, research institutes, public administrations etc.

The deadline for contributions is 18 May 2016.

More information

Consulation webpage