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Future scenarios for the recovery of Bluefin Tuna discussed in California

The European Commission welcomes the open and constructive discussions held at the "Bluefin Futures Symposium" that took place on 18-20 January in Monterey, California.

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International Fisheries

date:  21/01/2016

The three-day symposium on the status and future of Pacific, Atlantic and Southern bluefin tunas featured high level presentations from scientists, NGOs, Regional Fisheries Management Organisations (RFMOs) and governmental representatives, including the European Commission.

The various interventions revealed how different scientific approaches can deliver towards sustainability and confirmed the crucial role of cooperation among the various stakeholders to reach conservation objectives.

Consensus was broad on the key role of RFMOs, which remain the appropriate fora for taking management decisions and ultimately to ensure sustainability, provided that all parties are committed to take ambitious measures and to ensure full compliance with the RFMO management and conservation measures. Among the three Bluefin tuna species, Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean Bluefin tuna was pointed as case study  which demonstrated that political will, sustained efforts and great sacrifices bear fruit and eventually result in a progressive recovery of the stock.