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Joao Aguiar Machado in Portugal

The head of the Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Joao Aguiar Machado, is currently in Portugal for an official three-day visit (13 to 15 January).

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Maritime Affairs Fisheries

date:  13/01/2016

Today he is meeting the newly-appointed Portuguese Minister for the sea, Ms Ana Paula Vitorino, in the fishing port of Sesimbra. The two will be visiting the country's public company dealing with auctions and first sale of fish and then call on two fishermen associations. In the afternoon Director General Aguiar Machado will head for Lisbon, where he will deliver a key note speech at a conference organised by PricewaterhouseCoopers for the launch of HELM, a study on the present day's maritime economy.

The following day starts with a visit to the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere and a presentation of projects supported by the European Funds, followed by a meeting with the Directorate-General of Natural Resources. Several meetings with other public authorities and stakeholders will conclude the day.

January 15 will see the Director-General at the University of the Azores, delivering a speech on the importance of the seas and oceans for Europe and then holding a conference with the local press.