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AGRIFISH Council: Ministers to decide on fishing catch limits for 2016

EU Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Karmenu Vella will present the Commission's proposals for fixing fishing opportunities for 2016 for the Atlantic, North Sea and Black Sea to the Agriculture and Fisheries Council on 14-15 December.

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TACs and quotas Fisheries

date:  11/12/2015

This proposal sets out how much EU fishermen may catch from the main commercial fish stocks next year, estimated to be worth more than 4 billion euros. For the first time the Commission has also proposed the so-called quota "top-ups" for some fisheries that will come under the landing obligation in 2016. These quotas aim to compensate fishermen for the fish they will have to land, without increasing pressure on stocks. Decisions are taken within the framework of the EU's Common Fisheries Policy, which aims to have all stocks fished at sustainable levels by 2020 at the latest. EU Fisheries Ministers are set to reach political agreement so that the limits can enter into force on 1 January 2016. On agriculture issues under EU Commissioner for Agriculture & Rural Development Phil Hogan, Ministers will have an exchange of views on sustainable agriculture in the bio-economy. They will also be updated by the Presidency on the state of play of the proposals relating to the supply of fruit, vegetables, bananas and milk in schools following this week's trilogues. The Polish delegation will raise an issue under AOB on the position of the pig meat sector in Poland and the Luxembourg Presidency will brief the Council on the outcome of seminar regarding young people in agriculture. The press conference can be followed here.