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EU adopts €52m investment package for fisheries and aquaculture in Hungary

The European Commission has adopted a €51.8 million investment package for the Hungarian fisheries and aquaculture sectors for the 2014-2020 period, including €39.1 million of EU investments. The adopted Operational Programme (OP) under the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) will help Hungary implement the EU's reformed Common Fisheries Policy (CFP).

date:  09/12/2015

Welcoming the adoption, Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Karmenu Vella stressed the programme's contribution to sustainable growth: "This investment package for Hungary is an important EU contribution that will benefit Hungarian fish farmers and the Hungarian fish processing sector. Funds will be used to further develop the aquaculture sector and increase fish consumption in a sustainable way."

For Hungary as a land-locked country, one of the programme's main objectives relates to increasing sustainable fish production through resource efficient and competitive aquaculture, while reducing negative environmental impacts. The programme also targets the production of high value-added processed fish products and will support measures aiming to increase fish consumption. Finally, funds will go towards better managed fisheries control and data collection.


Total OP budget: EUR 51 826 896

Total EU contribution: EUR 39 096 293

The Hungarian OP will focus on the following priorities:

  • promoting environmentally sustainable, resource efficient, innovative, competitive and knowledge based aquaculture: €25.8 million
  • promoting environmentally sustainable, resource efficient, innovative, competitive and knowledge based fisheries: €2.5 million
  • fostering marketing and processing: €8.0 million
  • fostering the implementation of the Common Fisheries Policy: €2.5 million
  • technical assistance: €0.4 million

More information

Fisheries Operational Programme of Hungary