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Union for the Mediterranean declares strengthening of regional cooperation in maritime economy

Ministers of Maritime Affairs from 43 Mediterranean countries agreed to work more closely together and promote growth, jobs and investments in the marine and maritime sectors. Read the joint declaration.

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date:  17/11/2015

Ministers in charge of Maritime Affairs from the 43 countries comprising the Union for the Mediterranean, are committing to closer cooperation to promote growth, jobs and investments deriving from the marine and maritime sectors. A joint declaration signed by Ministers will give the political mandate for an effective and result-oriented cooperation on blue economy and maritime governance in the Mediterranean. Commissioner Vella welcomed the initiative: "Constructive cooperation can help bring stability to the region. Our joint commitment, under the agenda for blue growth, jobs and innovation, can at least contribute to a more secure and prosperous future for the people of the Mediterranean".

More information

Speech by Commissioner Vella

Union for the Mediterranean website