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EU discusses international ocean governance with North Atlantic partners

What is the right framework for the governance of our oceans in the 21st century? What are the challenges ahead and how are North Atlantic fisheries partners responding to those challenges? These are some of the questions that Commissioner Karmenu Vella will raise at the 20th North Atlantic Fisheries Ministers Conference in Malta (16 & 17 July, 2015).

date:  16/07/2015

"Today I am inviting you to join me in a discussion, not only about fisheries, but also about how we can best manage our oceans and our ocean economy – a sustainable 'blue economy'. The Atlantic Ocean does not belong to any one of us. It is a shared asset. It is a single ecological system that links the continent of Europe with the Americas and with Africa. Our responsibility is to help build an international system that helps us manage that asset," Mr Vella will tell his North Atlantic counterparts.

Answers will help shape the Commission's response to its ongoing public consultation on international ocean governance.

Participants will also use the meeting to discuss fisheries, in particular how to manage shared fisheries in the North Atlantic.

The North Atlantic Fisheries Ministers Conference (NAFMC) brings together, for informal discussions, ministers of fisheries from the major fishing parties in the North Atlantic, namely the EU, Canada, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Iceland, Norway and the Russian Federation. It has been held every year since 1995. This year's event is hosted by the EU, with Commissioner Vella representing EU member states.