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Bluefin Tuna fishing campaign 2015 ends successfully

The Bluefin Tuna purse seine fishing season, lasting from 26 May to 24 June 2015, has finished with no major issues that may indicate systemic overfishing or illegal fishing activities of Bluefin Tuna by EU vessels. It was the first time in almost a decade that the EU fishermen benefited from an increased quota as BFT fishery has recovered significantly. Although scientists still need to assess the state of the stocks later this year, it is clear that the successful implementation of stricter control measures by the EU to fight IUU and overfishing has played a significant role in the recovery of the stock.

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date:  25/06/2015

The European Commission control team - together with the team of the European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA) - is now focusing on the caging operations in Spain and Malta, in close co-operation with the competent national authorities in order to ensure that during the caging activities no Bluefin Tuna quota will be overshot.

More information

Bluefin tuna - Conservation paying off

Bluefin tuna fishing season 2015: EU benefits from recovery of the stock