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Boost for Maltese fisheries sector as Commissioner Vella unveils €29m investment package

The European Commission has today adopted a €29m investment package for the Maltese maritime, fisheries and aquaculture sectors which includes €23m of EU funding

date:  06/03/2015

The package will support smart and green fisheries and aquaculture, while strengthening the economic viability of businesses in the sector. The programmes will support fishing communities by improving infrastructure and equipping fishermen with new skills and opportunities to help them diversify their business models.

Welcoming the adoption, the Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Karmenu Vella stressed the significant contribution of the programme towards sustainable growth: "This investment will be a shot in the arm for Malta's coastal communities and economy as a whole. It is no secret that our maritime, fisheries and aquaculture sectors are the lifeblood of many of our communities and that's why I am delighted that long term economic and environmental sustainability is the focus of this programme".

The programme is fully in line with the priorities of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund Regulation (EMFF) and the reformed Common Fisheries Policy. It will promote environmentally sustainable, resource efficient, innovative, competitive and knowledge based fisheries and aquaculture.

Projects that improve the livelihood of fishing communities, limit the impact of fishing on the marine environment, ensure the balance between fishing capacity and available fishing opportunities, and promote environmentally sustainable research-oriented aquaculture will be supported through the package. The programme will also promote a shift in consumption towards lesser known species.


OP Budget breakdown:

Total value: €28 899 019
Total European contribution: €22 627 422

The main focus for the Maltese Fisheries Operational Programme is in:

  • Promoting environmentally sustainable, resource efficient, innovative, competitive and knowledge based fisheries: €11.6 million
  • Promoting environmentally sustainable, resource efficient, innovative, competitive and knowledge based aquaculture: €3.3 million
  • Fostering the implementation of the Common Fisheries Policy: €10.1 million
  • Fostering marketing and processing: €0.5 million
  • Implementing of the Integrated maritime policy: €1.6 million