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Stefaan Depypere elected as chair to ICCAT Commission

The International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) today elected its Chair for the next two-year term. ICCAT Contracting Parties unanimously supported the appointment of Mr Stefaan Depypere, Head of the EU Delegation to ICCAT and Director in the Directorate General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the European Commission.

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International Fisheries

date:  25/11/2013

Commissioner Damanaki, who was present at the ICCAT Meeting to address the Plenary said “This decision reflects the important role the EU plays for sustainable fisheries on the global level and comes as a recognition of the hard work done by the EU both in ICCAT and in other Regional Fisheries Organisations in order to promote science, compliance and governance. I am convinced that in its role as Chair the EU will continue to steer ICCAT towards better performance and make sure that all Contracting Parties can actively participate to the works of ICCAT, in particular in the field of science”.

Mr Depypere will chair the ICCAT Commission in 2014 and 2015 until the next election.