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Coastal State consultations on mackerel for 2014

A meeting of Coastal States (European Union, Faroe Islands, Iceland and Norway) was held in London on the 23rd and 24th October under the chairmanship of the European Union to discuss management measures for 2014 for the mackerel stock in the North-East Atlantic. The meeting was also attended by observers from Greenland and the Russian Federation.

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International Fisheries

date:  24/10/2013

The discussions focused on the latest scientific advice from the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), which has recommended a significant increase in fishing possibilities as compared to 2013.

Discussions also took place on enhancing scientific cooperation between the Parties and improving control of the fishing activities. It was agreed that these consultations would resume again during the coming weeks.

Maria Damanaki, European Commissioner for Maritime and Fisheries, said: “I very much welcome the positive nature of these discussions and consider that in view of the more optimistic scientific advice, there is now a window of opportunity for resolving the long-standing dispute between the Parties on this very important fish stock.”