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Common Fisheries Policy: Commission sets outs principles for 2018 fishing opportunities

On 17th July, Fisheries Ministers of the EU will discuss in Council, the Commission Communication that sets out its principles for healthy and profitable fishing quotas for 2018.

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TACs and quotas Fisheries

date:  14/07/2017

For the first time, the consultative Communication adopted today takes stock of the implementation of the reformed Common Fisheries Policy, while reaffirming that the Commission seeks to reach an agreement on 2018 fishing opportunities that will ensure the conservation and sustainable exploitation of fishery resources in the Union. The Communication is now open for consultation and comments from stakeholders and citizens.

The EU Common Fisheries Policy aims at restoring and maintaining fish stocks at maximum sustainable yield levels (MSY) by 2020, so to uphold a profitable fishing industry in EU coastal areas. Over the past few years, there has been significant progress in this respect and, in all regions operating within the framework of Total Allowable Catches (TACs).

Atlantic, North and Baltic Seas

Today, 61% of assessed stocks in the Atlantic, North and Baltic Seas are exploited sustainably and fish stocks are being rebuilt. On average, stock biomass in the North-East Atlantic has increased by 35% between 2003 and 2015. For some stocks, the increase is even more prominent; for instance, the biomass of Cod in the North Sea increased by almost 300% between 2006 and 2016.

Mediterranean and Black Seas

By contrast, moving towards sustainable exploitation in the Mediterranean and the Black Seas remains a challenge. This is largely due to the multispecies nature of fisheries, the fact that several fish stocks are shared with third countries and the low number of fish stocks assessed yearly by scientific bodies. While a small number of stocks are being exploited at sustainable levels – for example, deep-sea pink shrimp and red mullet in the south and central Tyrrhenian Sea – the average biomass in the Mediterranean has declined by 20% between 2003 and 2014. Nonetheless, important political agreements reached since last year – such as the Medfish4ever Ministerial declaration – allow for optimism with regards to achieving environmental, economic and social sustainability in these sea basins.

EU fleet economic performance

The Communication highlights noteworthy improvement in the overall economic performance of the EU Fleet, which registered record net profits of EUR 777 million in 2014, a 50% increase over the 2013 figure of EUR 500 million. The economic forecasts for 2016 and 2017 remain upbeat. Average salaries and labour productivity have also increased. The overall improvement in the EU fleet's profitability coincides with an increase in the number of stocks fished at rates consistent with the objective of achieving Maximum Sustainable Yield and an associated increase in the biomass of these stocks. This confirms that pursuing the sustainable exploitation of stocks addresses not only environmental but also social and economic concerns. The balance between fishing capacity and fishing opportunities across the entire EU fleet has also improved as the EU fleet has decreased in terms of number of vessels, engine power and tonnage.

Landing obligation

Progress has been also made regarding the scope of the landing obligation. All fisheries in the Baltic and Black Seas, as well as all fisheries for pelagic and other industrial species in all EU waters are now under the landing obligation. However, progress has been uneven. While the implementation of the landing obligation has progressed well in North Western waters demersal fisheries, more needs to be done in the North Sea, the South Western waters and the Mediterranean demersal fisheries. There are important challenges ahead that require concerted effort by the industry, public administrations and the Commission.

In terms of governance, the EU Common Fisheries policy promotes decentralisation of fisheries management through regional multiannual plans and delegated acts shaped through a bottom-up approach and taking into account input from stakeholders. After the proposal for a multiannual plan for demersal fish stocks in the North Sea, this year, the Commission has proposed another multiannual plan for small pelagics in the Adriatic. Both are currently discussed by the European Parliament and the Council. Regionalisation has also played an important role in the phasing-in of the landing obligation, where joint recommendations from Member States have led to 15 regional plans.  


In its annual consultative Communication on fishing opportunities, the Commission sets out the ra­tionale for the proposals on fishing opportunities for the following year and asks for input from  Member States; Advisory Councils, which include the fishing industry and NGOs; and interested citizens and organisations. This year, the Communication also covers the state of play of the implementation of the CFP. In autumn the Commission will then table its proposals for 2018 fishing opportunities in EU waters in the Atlantic (including deep-sea stocks) and in the North and Baltic Seas. The fishing opportunities in the Baltic Sea will be proposed in accordance with the Baltic Multiannual Management Plan. The proposals will be based on independent scientific advice pro­vided by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea and other independent bodies, as well as the economic analysis provided by the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF). The proposals will also incorporate adjustments resulting from the further expansion of the landing obligation in 2018. The Fisheries Council, i.e. Fisheries Ministers from the EU Member States, ultimately agrees on the allocation of fishing opportunities.

For further information

COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION on the State of Play of the Common Fisheries Policy and Consultation on the Fishing Opportunities for 2018 - COM/2017/0368

Consultation on Fishing opportunities for 2018 under the common fisheries policy

Questions & Answers: Commission sets outs principles for 2018 fishing opportunities