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EU Platform of Diversity Charters


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Welcome to this issue of the EU Platform of Diversity Charters newsletter!
Platform news
European Diversity Month 2021: focus on ethnic diversity in the workplace
This year’s edition again focuses on organisations’ efforts to promote diversity and diverse teams in the workplace and to create inclusive working environments. The Commission invites all organisations and companies in Europe to do their share, take a stand for diversity and also to show their commitment by organising diversity events during the month of May.

The first-ever European Diversity Month took place last May, linked to the 10th anniversary of the EU Platform of Diversity Charters. And despite the fact that the original plans had to be scaled back then due to the COVID-19 outbreak, it was successfully celebrated in several EU countries.

Why a European Diversity Month?

The Commission has been committed to promoting diversity and inclusion and to fighting discrimination through legislation for a long time. This has helped to advance the cause of equality and enabled millions of people to reach their full potential. However, everyone – public institutions, private companies, non-profit organisation, cities etc. – need to work together to build equal and inclusive environments, especially now, during the pandemic, when diversity and inclusion are at increased risk.

According to the 2019 Special Eurobarometer on discrimination in the EU, over 1 in 2 Europeans (59%) believe that discrimination because of one’s ethnic origin is widespread. One in three people of African descent say they experienced racist harassment in the last five years. While more than 70 years after the Holocaust, widespread antisemitism still affects Jewish people in all areas of life in the EU. This is why, in accordance with the EU Anti-racism Action Plan, the European Diversity Month will have an extra focus on ethnic diversity this year.

How can you take part?

  • Highlight the importance of diverse and inclusive workplaces – inform your staff about your own diversity work, organise an (virtual) event, workshop, presentation etc - get inspired by the Guide to inspire celebrating EU Diversity Month published on the EU Diversity Month’s website.

  • If you decide to organise your own internal event, please let us know about it by registering it here.

  • Communicate on social media about your actions and about the EU Diversity Month using our visuals and Social media toolkit also available on our website.

Report from launch event of the European Diversity Month - 4 May 2021
On 4 May 2021, the European Commission organised the launch event of the European Diversity Month. European Diversity Month is organised by the European Commission and the EU Platform of Diversity Charters together with its members to support the European Commission’s long-lasting commitment to fight discrimination and promote diverse and inclusive workplaces.

The aim of the event was to bring together policy-makers, chief executive officers of diversity charter signatories, other organisations and stakeholders to review and promote the consideration of racial and ethnic origin in diversity strategies, as announced in the Anti Racism Action Plan.

The launch event included interventions by high-level participants such as the European Commissioner for Equality, the Portuguese Secretary of State for Citizenship and Equality, ARDI MEP, CEOs and diversity professionals.

You can watch the recording of the event on our website.

Main discussions:

Introductory address and keynote speech:

- EU Commissioner for Equality, Helena Dalli, highlighted that diversity is our strength and one of the greatest assets in building a sustainable future. She pointed out that diversity at the workplaces remains inadequate, especially in the decision making level. She also stressed the importance of initiatives such as the EU Diversity Month.

- Rosa Monteiro, the Secretary of State for Citizenship and Equality, Portugal underlined that the deep-rooted inequalities and discrimination persist in the society. National public policies against racism and discrimination are vital, as is working together with the discriminated groups. Portugal hopes to approve their first national action plan against racism still this semester. She also emphasised the role of the public administration in promoting diversity in the workplace and supporting the employers.

- Romeo Franz, Co-President of the ARDI Intergroup, European Parliament pointed out the discrimination the Roma people face and called for the Roma community to raise their voices and make their issues heard at the political level.

Interview talk on overcoming challenges of coming from an ethnic minority

- Terence Guiamo, Global Director Inclusion, Diversity & Belonging, Just Eat Takeaway.com gave a powerful testimony based on his own personal experience and stressed the importance of using the relevant terms such as discrimination and racism to be able to have meaningful discussion. He also highlighted importance of “stepping into each other’s shoes” to understand the message one can send. He emphasised that we should educate ourselves on the (colonial) history and the impact it has had on society and its members.

During the break the viewers could watch collection of video messages from Diversity Charters and CEOs showing their support for the EU Diversity Month and explaining the importance of promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

High-level panel discussion on “United against racism – why does it matter for business?”:

- Gertrud Ingestad, Director-General for Human Resources and Security, European Commission set the scene for the panel discussion by acknowledging that the European Commission as an employer has to continue the work to ensure better diversity of its staff. The recent Commission wide staff survey on diversity and inclusion will provide a good basis for this continuous work.

- Jonas Gustavsson, CEO and President, AFRY reported on a program created by AFRY to attract engineers from migrant minorities to bring in excellent competent people to their growing company and increase the diversity of staff.

- Madeleine de Cock Buning, Vice President for EMEA Netflix presented how Netflix promotes diversity not only internally towards its employees, but also through their production and by giving support and training to new talents.

- Nadire Redjepi, Operations Director, Director REDI Network underlined the impact of COVID19 on Roma entrepreneurs and Roma community in general that have been strongly affected – especially workers in informal sector who could not receive the necessary support.

- Katerina Andreou, Founder HR Innovate - Founder HR Innovate - HR & Recruitment Professionals pointed out the importance of calling out the employers who are still discriminating against their employees and talked about how her company promotes diversity and raises awareness among their clients as well.

- Prabhu Rajagopal, Consultant Anti-discrimination, Actiris Inclusive explained that they have witnessed that in Brussels people from various disadvantaged social groups have higher risk of discrimination both in the workplace and when looking for work, for example people of African descent, people over 50, women with migrant background, LGBTIQ.

Concluding remarks:

- Géraldine Dufort, Principal Adviser heading the EC Diversity and Inclusion office described the event as an important step to open a discussion with employers for putting ethnic diversity more firmly on companies strategies. She also informed the participants that the launch event was registered under the Conference on Future of Europe and has contributed to the discussion on more diverse Europe.

Join the EU Platform of Diversity Charters online workshops during #EUDiversityMonth
We have the pleasure of inviting you to attend the EU Platform of Diversity Charters online workshops celebrating the European Diversity Month. For more information and registration please see below.

Sex-based workplace harassment – have your say on the European Commission’s upcoming work

As stated in President von der Leyen’s letter of intent and the Commission Work Programme 2021, the Commission intends to issue a legislative proposal to prevent and combat gender-based violence against women and domestic violence in 2021. When developing the proposal, the Commission takes into account all forms of gender-based violence, including gender-based and sexual harassment. The proposal is likewise intended to cover violence and harassment regardless of whether they take place online or offline.

The purpose of the workshop is to inform the participating Diversity Charters and their signatories on the ongoing preparatory work for this legislative initiative, and gather the participants’ experiences and views in tackling gender-based harassment in their companies. In particular, the participants will be invited to share views on what prohibitions are in place in their respective Member States on tackling gendered work harassment, which preventive measures and support measures are taken, and what remedies do affected employers have at their disposal. In addition, we will discuss how measures taken at the governmental, sectoral and employer levels interplay, and what further measures could be needed to ensure everyone’s right to work free from violence and harassment.


10:00 – Opening by the European Commission: Introduction and presentation of the work done and to be done

10:15 – Creating an harassment free workplace – examples from employers

10:45 – Q&A and discussion


26 May 2021, 10:00 – 11:30 CET


Register to this virtual workshop in EUSurvey - Survey (europa.eu)

Supporting trans and intersex inclusion in the workplace

Discrimination against LGBTIQ people persists throughout the EU. For several LGBTIQ people in the EU, it is still unsafe to show affection publicly, to be open about their sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristics (be it at home or at work), to simply be themselves without feeling to be threatened.

This is especially true in the case of trans and intersex people. According to the European Commission’s newest study ‘Legal gender recognition in the EU: The journeys of trans people towards full equality,’ trans people experience lower employment rates, greater levels of economic inactivity and higher unemployment rates than the general population. For instance, according to the FRA LGBTI survey (2019), all groups in the trans population have personally felt discriminated against when looking for a job because of their identity, particularly trans women (19%) and trans men (15%).

Given these statistics, it is more important than ever to educate yourself and your employees to change attitudes in workplaces. Where to start? How can you support your trans and intersex employees in the workplace? These and other questions will be answered at this 90-minute workshop.


10:00 – Opening by the European Commission: Introduction and presentation of the LGBTIQ Equality Strategy

10:15 – Creating a trans- and intersex-inclusive workplace: Presentation of good practices by ILGA Europe and Organisation Intersex International Europe (tbc)

10:35 – Testimony of a company on fostering inclusion and diversity

10:50 – Q&A and discussion


10 June 2021, 10:00 – 11:30 CET


Register to this virtual workshop in EUSurvey - Survey (europa.eu)

Pay transparency – equal pay for equal work – have your input in implementing the European Commission proposal

Equal pay for equal work is one of the EU’s founding principles. However, women often remain unaware about pay discrimination in their work. A lack of wage transparency does not allow a proper assessment of the reasons for pay inequalities. Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen, has committed to table measures to introduce binding pay transparency measures. The Commission therefore presented on 4th March 2021 a Proposal for a directive to strengthen the application of the principle of equal pay for equal work or work of equal value between men and women through pay transparency and enforcement mechanisms.

What do you think about the proposal, is it relevant and timely? How easy it actually is to apply the measures on pay transparency in practice? Are the employers sufficiently well-equipped to identify “work of equal value” in their organisation? How could the European Commission/social partners/others support organisations?

Join us in discussion and share your experience.


10:00 – Opening by the European Commission: Introduction and presentation of the work done and to be done

10:15 – Equal pay for equal work – examples from employers

10:45 – Q&A and discussion


15 June 2021, 10:00 – 11:30 CET


Register to this virtual workshop in EUSurvey - Survey (europa.eu)

News from the Diversity Charters
Promoting diversity in Greece
The Greek Diversity Charter has been busy promoting diversity in the workplace and organising various activities for our signatories, such as the Diversity Interview and dedicated Diversity Day. We are also looking forward joining the celebrations of the EU Diversity Month.


Diversity Interview is a new project of Diversity Charter Greece! It hosts institutions, executives and advocates of the acceptance of Diversity, who answer critical questions and share their relevant experience. The aim of the interviews is to highlight the issue of Diversity in our country and to raise awareness on the one hand of the business and on the other hand of the general public for the implementation of equality and Diversity in every work environment - and not only in Greece. The interview is broadcasting live on Facebook and the YouTube Channel of Diversity Charter Greece but also on demand in the same Media. The questions are addressed by the well-known TV journalist, Mr. Giannis Moutsos.

First guest was the Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, Dr. Domna Michailidou, who has signed the Diversity Charter Greece. Second guest was Szabolcs Schmidt, Head of Unit Non-Discrimination and Roma Co-ordination European Commission DG Justice and Consumers. Mr Schmidt spoke on the 1st European Month of Diversity, which is May 2021. The aim of the interview was to inform and highlight the European Diversity Month in order to raise awareness of the importance of diversity and inclusion in our workplaces and in the society throughout the whole European Union.

The Digital Diversity Interviews were held with great success and many participations.


Diversity Day is an action of Diversity Charter Greece and KEAN where each time a good practice of integrating different executives in a work environment is presented, as well as examples of supporting diversity in the company. The aim is to establish this action in an institution that will give the opportunity to the member companies of the Charter to exchange knowledge and good practices in matters of Diversity and through this interaction to emerge directions, choices and solutions in matters concerning Diversity and healthy Inclussion of people in business environments and society. Large Companies that are active in the Greek market and are members of the Diversity Charter Greece, participated in the 1st and 2nd Diversity Day. The British Council Greece, the international organization of Britain that promotes cultural relations and provides educational opportunities through its activity on six continents and in more than 100 countries, offering daily opportunities for international networking, presented to the representatives of 13 companies, at HR level, Communication & Marketing Director, its own approach to Diversity Management with a view to equality and integration. The 2nd Diversity Day took place with the subscription of PAPASTRATOS, a Greek tobacco company and the largest manufacturer and distributor of cigarettes in Greece. 15 companies had the chance to be informed about PAPASTRATOS practices on Diversity and Inclusion.


Diversity Charter Greece is celebrating 1st European Diversity Month! The month of May will be full of creative actions, from all the countries, Institutions and companies of the European Union participating in the Charter of Diversity. Diversity Charter Greece will be intensively active through multidimensional actions that meet the needs of the time. In this context, as a first step, we have invited all our sponsors and signatories to plan actions related to the issue of Diversity and Integration for and / or their employees and the general public. More specifically, we published a creative banner in the home page of our website, connected to the official European Commission website, for the 1st European Diversity Month. Via analytical emails, social media posts and phone calls we have informed them on the ways they can participate to the European Diversity Month and we invited them to participate to the Launch Event on 4th of May. Many companies have demonstrated great interest and we collaborate with them in order to support them in the planning and implementation of their activities concerning the Diversity Month.

An awareness video on Diversity and Inclusion will be published soon by Diversity Charter Greece via social media channels and a digital Open Diversity Day, with the contribution of signatories and organizations that focus on Diversity pillars, will be held during May! Stay tuned!!!

Celebrating EU Diversity Month in Cyprus
Join us live on our Facebook page (@ CSI.CYPRUS), on May 31, 2021, at 19:00 to celebrate diversity together!

As part of the celebrations for the first European Month of Diversity, which will take place in May 2021, the Diversity Charter Cyprus and the Center for Social Innovation are organizing the live Facebook event ‘Diversity & Inclusion: Understanding its meaning, celebrating its importance’.

Join us for an interesting discussion about the importance of diversity and inclusion, for an inclusive society, for the creation of exemplar organizations, for all of us! For more information, please contact us at panayiota.constanti@csicy.com

Looking forward to celebrate together!

Facebook information and event: https://www.facebook.com/events/171654151510611

Diversity events organised by Slovenian and Croatian Diversity Charters
In joined effort, Croatian and Slovenian Charters are organising two international virtual events on diversity. The events will be opening discussion on diversity implementation in the last year and the time of pandemics. The events are in English and open to all interested participants.

May 19th 2021; 13.00 to 15.00: DIVERSITY IN TIMES OF COVID-19

Taking into account very specific circumstances in which we had to operate in the last year, we want to share experience that companies had during COVID-19 pandemic. The panel will show that all organizations had to face insecurity and fear and that many have used this challenge to improve their relations with employees and to put maximal efforts to support employees during difficult times. Participating companies in Croatia and Slovenia are invited to join panel discussion on this public virtual event, to share their experiences and good practices in their diversity policies during COVID-19 times. Opening remarks will be provided by state secretaries of the Ministries of Labour and Social Policies of both countries and representatives of the business associations of Croatia and Slovenia. Round table will provide experience of a number of CEOs representing companies operating in both countries.

Registration: https://www.hrpsor.hr/registracija/

May 25th 2021; 13.00 to 15.00: DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION IN EDUCATION

In times of pandemic, both countries experienced school closures, education was suddenly faced with an extraordinary new reality: students at all levels, became homebound, together with their parents and extended families. We could witness education crisis that exacerbated inequalities in education and disproportionately hurt vulnerable and disadvantaged students, and on the other side, teachers were faced with new set of challenges (new technologies, work-life balance, work from home, etc.). The round table is an opportunity to exchange good practice in managing diversity and inclusion in educational sector in times of pandemic and to reaffirm its importance. The opening words will be provided by representatives of the Ministries of education of both countries, while in the panel, educational experts from Croatia and Slovenia will share their experience.

Registration: https://www.raznolikost.eu/vabljeni-raznolikost-in-vkljucenost-v-izobrazevanju/

Romanian Diversity and Inclusion Forum
On the occasion of the EU Diversity Month, the Romanian Diversity Charter organizes o range of actions with the aim to engage Charter’s signatories in the celebration of the first edition of the EU Diversity Month in Romania, by creating at the same time a solid ground for debating and informing about the benefits of diversity and inclusion at the workplace.

The first edition of the Romanian Diversity and Inclusion Forum will be an interactive virtual event (held on 20th May) promoting an honest dialogue around the challenges faced by Romanian signatory organisations in their diversity journey.

The Forum includes two practical panel discussions with 10+ speakers/ experts (from Romanian Government, Vodafone, BCR, Edenred, Sanofi, Brown-Forman, LSEG Romania, Societe Generale Global Solution Center, Enel, Philip Morris, Kaufland and MKOR Consulting) with the aim to identify current and emerging challenges as well as pushing new conversations and thinking in the D&I space. It will enable signatory organisations to share experience and understand existing actions and steps that need to be taken to ensure a more diverse, equitable, sustainable and innovative workforce. The Forum will end wit a symbolic “signing” ceremony for the 10 newest signatories with the possibility to address the audience with short leadership messages enforcing their commitment to diversity.

Topics cover diversity in recruitment and talent management, value for disability, leadership and diversity, multigenerational diversity, gender equality and equal pay, ethnic diversity and LGBT+ inclusion.

Romanian Diversity Charter and MKOR are currently conducting a study on "Diversity and Inclusion from the Perspective of Employees". The results of the study will be presented during the Forum. In addition, a diversity column with interviews and a series of inspirational quotes by Charter’s ambassadors and CEOs bring valuable content to debate and reflect on.

Celebrating diversity in Spain
Fundación Diversidad in collaboration with the representation in Spain of the European Commission have prepared several initiatives, on one hand to spread the word about the EU Diversity Month and, on the other hand, to celebrate the Diversity Month with media campaigns, social networks and events during May.

During April, we have widely promoted the European Diversity Month through all our communication channels, as LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Youtube, and also issued two press releases. We also have enabled a section on our website with all the details of the month and the downloadable material in Spanish, English and Portuguese.

In addition, we have conducted an Informative Webinar to explain step by step how to participate in the European Diversity Month and clarify possible doubts of the companies. Furthermore, we asked 20 Spanish companies to record a video saying that they will join the European Diversity Month and encouraging other companies to do so. All these videos have been shared on our Social Networks.

During May, we are going to start every day with a #QuoteoftheDay with different CEOs from Spanish companies. As well, we will share content and initiatives on diversity and inclusion of those same companies on our web page and social media. Our goal is to disseminate what companies are sharing during the month.

Two events are going to take place (virtually):

The main event will take place on May 27, where specialists and companies will present trends and best practices in diversity and inclusion. In addition, several companies will sign the Diversity Charter for the first time and others will renew their commitment. Finally the Diversity@work Blended Learning course on Unconscious Bias sponsored by the European Commission will be presented during the event. Last but not least, Hellena Dalli, EU Commissioner for Equality, will participate with an institutional message.

Promoting better integration of migrants in the workplace in Italy
Fondazione Sodalitas, through the Italian Diversity Charter, will organize on May 20 a webinar to promote a better integration of migrants in the workplace, in partnership with IOM.

The webinar aims to encourage effective labour inclusion of migrants and to highlight the importance of a multicultural environment in the company. The meeting will also provide an opportunity for participants to reflect on the role of intercultural competences in Covid-19 and post Covid-19 context.

During the webinar we will share the exchange of methods and practice among companies and other key actors: IOM, Intesa Sanpaolo, FedEx, Confindustria Veneto, Mygrants, B-Clever

For additional information please visit our website www.cartapariopportunita.it

Czech Diversity Charter is joining European family in celebrating diversity, flexibility and inclusion
We are so proud that also from Prague in such difficult year of Covid 19 pandemic situation we could celebrate Diversity month together with our European family, with other 26 countries.

We feel how important is International cooperation, partnership across the borders.

We prepare prestigious local diversity day together with German diversity Charter, holding on 21st of May in Czech Parliament. With active participation of top managers, leaders of companies, representatives of universities, public life.

Our local family of diversity charter signatories will be growing about more than 10 signatories and golden ambassadors, f.e.: Commerzbank, Raiffeisen Bank, CGI, Hyundai, etc.

During the month we prepare also other workshops, for networking, sharing of good practice and experience in following topics:

13.5. Strategy of Equal opportunities

Workshop prepared with Czech Governmental Office with active participation of Accenture; Česká pošta; Exxon Mobile and Puls Investiční companies.

24.5. Czech and Slovak cooperation during Covid 19 Pandemic: how could two sisters countries live and cooperate better

We have specific history, more common families – long term separated on both boarder’s side, with strong social, psychological impact. Many companies have branches in both states: we try find way how we could cooperate, manage the team, better.

31.5. Equal Payment – crucial conditions for equal (work) life – workshop prepared together with Ministry of Social Affairs

Topic is between long term priorities of our country and work environment. With 22% gender pay gap we try find the way, best practice how we could improve the situation on labour market for woman, but also how we could support and change related internal company processes.

We are looking forward all events, meetings. We are in one European family where diversity, flexibility and Inclusion are key values.

News from the Swedish Charter
We have been taking various steps to promote the EU Diversity Month throughout Sweden.

Since the beginning of the year we have organised informal Pepp Hours to engage our signatories to join the celebration of the EU Diversity Month. Each time the participants have chosen the next speaker.

  • January, background with Anu Ritz, EU-Commission
  • February, Stephan Dirschl Charta der Vielfalt.de /Diversity Charter Germany to get inspired by their Diversity Day
  • March, Nina Strassner SAP Germany since they are one of the most active within Germany´s Diversity Day
  • April, Sofia Klingberg & Amir Nazari, AFRY Sweden that inspired us by their Diversity Week and their D & I work in general.

In every monthly newsletter since December we have written about #EUDiversity Month and regularly add news on our Web page.

We have also started a LinkedIn Group where we post the latest news and encourage our members/signatories to share their initiatives. We encourage them to invite their communication people to the group to make the EU Diversity Month more visible.

Upcoming event

As part of the European Diversity Month, Diversity Charters of Finland and Sweden are holding an event together for the first time on 28th of May. As the theme of the European Diversity Month is ethnicity at work, we focus on the only indigenous people of the European Union – the Sami people. More info here https://diversitycharter.se/sv/aktiviteter/fredagskunskap-tema-etnicitet

Polish Diversity Month
Polish Diversity Charter has prepared a number of initiatives to celebrate the European Diversity Month 2021. They will be held as part of the Polish Diversity Month. The theme of our event is "Diversity and inclusion in the workplace - the way to social cohesion in the age of digital transformation".

As part of the Polish Diversity Month, we have planned 4 debates, during which we will reflect on the most important challenges related to diversity management and building inclusive workplaces. The debates will be shown live on http://kartaroznorodnosci.pl/diversitymonth and our FB page: : https://www.facebook.com/zarzadzanieroznorodnoscia. You can also follow us on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/karta-roznorodnosci

May 6

Discussion panel "Work in the digital age. How to create an inclusive organization in the post-pandemic world" (partner: Veolia Polska)

We talked about changes in work accelerated by the pandemic. About whether hybrid, remote and digital work increases the risk of discrimination or eliminates it. We looked at company practices and the necessary procedures that help ensure equal opportunities and inclusion in an organization operating in the digital world (e.g. people of different ages, playing different roles, having different access to technological resources). We talked about the challenges revealed by the pandemic and about what actions and reflections are necessary in the world of digitization to take care of employees with different views, origins, skills, roles and values.

The recordings can be found here:

FB: https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=484835826167547&ref=watch_permalink

YouTube: http://kartaroznorodnosci.pl/diversitymonth/czwartki

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/video/live/urn:li:ugcPost:6795982940602982400/

May 13

Discussion panel: “Caring roles - best practices on supporting employees with caring responsibilities” (partner: Veolia Polska)

We will touch on the topic of caring for children and adult dependants. How companies deal with the caring roles of their employees and what they can do, apart from legal obligations, to help them fulfill their caring responsibilities. What is the future in relation to the ageing society? What are formal and informal ways that facilitate the work-life balance? How the pandemic influenced work-life balance and what conclusions should be drawn in the face of WLB directive which is about to be transposed soon into Polish law?

May 20

Discussion panel: “Well-being - what are employer’s duties in the digital world?” (partner: BNP Paribas Bank Polska)

We will start with defining what well-being really means and what are the responsibilities of the employer. What are the best practices? How companies measure well-being and what are well-being components (i.e. health, compensation, workload, responsibilities, organizational culture, feeling safe in the workplace regardless of views, appearance etc.)? How the pandemic influenced wellbeing and what are conclusions for the future?

After the discussion panel we invite to the online workshop “Diversity in Action” with Zyta Machnicka, HR & EB expert.

May 27

Discussion panel: “Diversity and Inclusion management in the view of increasing social tension” (partner: BNP Paribas Bank Polska)

This debate is inspired by the analysis on corporate activism prepared by the Responsible Business Forum. We will be looking for the answer on how the companies should react to social tension and when they are expected to take a stand. What are the expectations of the consumers? We will talk about the role and power of business in the creation of public discourse. We’ll take a closer look at the company strategies regarding building inclusive organizations and human rights. We’d like to check if the language of business is inclusive and how it strengthens stereotypes and biases.

Other events planned to celebrate the Diversity Month are the online meetings with D&I Leaders which will be a great opportunity to share their experiences and inspire the business to be more inclusive. Those two meetings will be available only for Polish Diversity Charter Signatories.

We have also planned the Diversity Month Film Festival on the weekends (May 7-9, May 14-16 and May 21-23). It is supported by BNP Paribas Bank Polska. The festival is organized in partnership with Against Gravity and Festival of Responsible Films “17 Goals”.

On 27th May, at the end of Diversity Month, we have planned the announcement of Diversity IN Check – a list of the best employers for Diversity and Inclusion in Poland

Bulgarian Diversity Charter Joins EU Diversity Month Celebrations
The Bulgarian Business Leaders Forum and the Centre for the Study of Democracy started the Bulgarian Diversity Charter in September 2020 to promote diversity and inclusion management policies in workplaces and help build a tolerant and fair society.

In early 2021 we introduced a new special Diversity@Work award within the Annual Responsible Business Awards – Bulgaria’s most prominent CSR and sustainability competition that the BBLF has held for 18 years now. Our aim is to promote the Charter to the private, public and NGO sectors as well as recognize the true D&I champions in the local context. We have had more than 30 entries for this award which will be handed for the first time ever in Bulgaria, and the judging panel (members of the Bulgarian Diversity Charter Advisory Board and other experts) has already selected the finalists and the winner. Due to the Covid situation in Bulgaria the prize-giving ceremony of the Awards will be held in June.

Importantly, the Bulgarian Diversity Charter joined the EU Diversity Month and celebrations across member states by organising an online event titled Diversity as a Business Advantage on 11 May. The best practice webinar highlighted companies’ efforts in promoting diverse teams in the workplace, and the benefits of creating inclusive working environments. The event gathered a unique audience of CEOs, public sector officials and NGOs to exchange experience, best practice, difficulties and solutions. Guest speakers included the chairperson of the Committee for Protection Against Discrimination as well as senior executives of TELUS International Europe, Nestle Bulgaria, Hilton Sofia and KCM 2000 Group.

Join us in celebrating diversity and inclusion in our workplaces and in the society at large. For details: www.bblf.bg, www.diverse-bg.eu

The EU Diversity Charter Hungary is hosting 24+ events to mark EU Diversity Month 2021
During the month, we will be hosting 4 Diversity Master Classes workshops which is part of our event series launched by EU Diversity Charter Hungary at the beginning of the year.

25th May will be the kick-off event of the 4th HBLF International X Mentor Program, awarded at Open Spotlight Award in 2020. Half of the top 20 most influential Hungarian women business leaders have joined our X Mentor Program as mentors this year.

Of course on the top of all these above, participants can choose from other events of our Charter signatories and partners.

Diversity Month Partners&Signatories: Shell Hungary zRt., Praktiker Magyarország Kft., LHH Hungary, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, E.ON Hungária Zrt., Citi Hungary, Queritius, Women's Health Foundation, KPMG Hungary, Erste Bank Hungary Zrt., IBM Hungary Kft., Invisible Exhibition

Our events are hosted in two languages: Hungarian and English. More information about the events and registration:



This is the EU Platform of Diversity Charters Newsletter of the Justice and Consumers Newsroom.

EU Platform of Diversity Charters is funded by the European Commission under the project ‘Support for voluntary initiatives promoting diversity management at the workplace across the EU’. This newsletter has been prepared for the European Commission by the national Diversity Charters. However, it reflects the views of the authors only, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

If this Newsletter was forwarded to you and you are interested in receiving it directly you can subscribe here.

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