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Romanian Diversity and Inclusion Forum

On the occasion of the EU Diversity Month, the Romanian Diversity Charter organizes o range of actions with the aim to engage Charter’s signatories in the celebration of the first edition of the EU Diversity Month in Romania, by creating at the same time a solid ground for debating and informing about the benefits of diversity and inclusion at the workplace.

date:  28/04/2021

The first edition of the Romanian Diversity and Inclusion Forum will be an interactive virtual event (held on 20th May) promoting an honest dialogue around the challenges faced by Romanian signatory organisations in their diversity journey.

The Forum includes two practical panel discussions with 10+ speakers/ experts (from Romanian Government, Vodafone, BCR, Edenred, Sanofi, Brown-Forman, LSEG Romania, Societe Generale Global Solution Center, Enel, Philip Morris, Kaufland and MKOR Consulting) with the aim to identify current and emerging challenges as well as pushing new conversations and thinking in the D&I space. It will enable signatory organisations to share experience and understand existing actions and steps that need to be taken to ensure a more diverse, equitable, sustainable and innovative workforce. The Forum will end wit a symbolic “signing” ceremony for the 10 newest signatories with the possibility to address the audience with short leadership messages enforcing their commitment to diversity. 

Topics cover diversity in recruitment and talent management, value for disability, leadership and diversity, multigenerational diversity, gender equality and equal pay, ethnic diversity and LGBT+ inclusion.

Romanian Diversity Charter and MKOR are currently conducting a study on "Diversity and Inclusion from the Perspective of Employees". The results of the study will be presented during the Forum. In addition, a diversity column with interviews and a series of inspirational quotes by Charter’s ambassadors and CEOs bring valuable content to debate and reflect on.  

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